Most Accurate Bible Translation Chart

If you simply read the English words you are left in most cases with a confusing jumble of words.
Most accurate bible translation chart. The most accurate bible translation is the King James version which is a literal word for word translation. List of the Best Translations of the Bible. It is very literal but practically meaningless.
This chart attempts to show the degree to which a translation conforms to the original languages and the source and pedigree of the given translation. Do YOU want a Bible that cuts out the holiness of God removes lots of the promises and in some cases just deletes the verse altogether. Our Bible comparison chart shows where popular Holy Bible translations fit along a spectrum from Word-for-Word to Meaning-for-Meaning to Thought-for-Thought to Paraphrase.
It confirms the deity of Jesus the virgin birth Jesus redeeming blood Jesus as our judge and holy trinity of God. The most accurate English Bible version. A highly readable accurate.
To the right side of the chart youll find the Bible translations that are translated as thought-for-thought translations. Compare the clear natural English of GODS WORD and other translations. Here is a list of the closest Bible translations in English.
New American Standard Bible NASB The NASB holds the title of Most Accurate Translation due to its strict adherence to Literal Word-for-Word. 5 Easiest Bible Versions to Read and Understand for Beginners best and most accurate bible translations according to scholars best bible translation for scholars best bible. English Standard Version ESV 3.