Hornady Ballistics Chart Pdf

HORNADY PRODUCT LINES Ammo Description Velocity fps Energy ftlb Trajectory Tables CARTRIDGE BULLET ITEM MUZZLE 100 yds 200 yds 300 yds 400 yds 500 yds MUZZLE 100 yds 200 yds 300 yds 400 yds 500 yds V 17 Mach 2 17 gr.
Hornady ballistics chart pdf. Hornady Ballistics Chart. Chart December 7 2015 By Dave Henderson Although muzzleloading rifles may be found in 45- 54- and even 36- and 52 calibers the most common hunting caliber is 50. Indicates maximum load use with caution rifl e data 10 905g - rainb ullets 6mmec edr mo or sectional density.
SV 222 Rem 35 gr. Hornady Xtp 50 Cal 240 Grain Ballistics Chart. Reloading data is available as low as.
C 218 Bee 45 gr. MUZ 50m 100m 150m200m 250m 300m MUZ 50m 100m 150m200m 250m 300m MUZ 50m 100m 150m200m 250m 300m MUZ 50m 100m 150m200m 250m 300m V 1 7 Mach 2 15 5 gr. Bthp match item no.
Three ways to get the Hornady Handbook of Cartridge Reloading. The second traditional bullet used is a 325 grain ballistic tip hollow point. Founded in 2014 Sages Reloading Supply offers quality brass and bullets for all your reloading needs.
22-250 Rem 40 gr. Ballistic Silvertip at 4150 fps H What it means. Rifl e Ammunition Product Lines.